
Kouprey Express spreads awareness about the devastating effects of snares

The Kouprey Express Mobile Environmental Education Unit (KE) delivers environmental curricula to educate schoolchildren, teachers, and communities about conservation. The team was invited by Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) to their project site in Keo Seima district, Mondulkiri province to disseminate environmental education, focusing on snaring and wildlife/habitat conservation. Snares are the greatest threat facing wildlife biodiversity in Southeast Asia and are [...]

Southern Cardamom REDD+ Project Monitoring Report Summary

Hard copies of Monitoring Report Summary have been distributed to all the 7 community outreach Offices/Information posts across the entire Southern Cardamom REDD+ Project zone. Interested villagers can come and acquire this document from following locations: (1) Chambak commune hall in Beng village, (2) Dong Peng commune hall in Ban Tiet village, (3) Chi Phat Community Based Eco-Tourism Visitor Center in [...]

What are you doing this Endangered Species Day?

The world's endangered species need your help today. Some of the world's most endangered animals, from elephants, to silvered langurs, dholes, and pangolins call Cambodia home. Today, on Endangered Species Day, it's time for you to take action help to bring these animals back from the brink of extinction. Here's how you can help some of Cambodia's Endangered species: [...]

Wildlife Traffickers Arrested – Stockpile included clouded leopard skin, bear paw & ivory

After an intensive investigation, the Wildlife Rapid Rescue Team (WRRT) identified and located a prominent wildlife trafficker in Phnom Penh who was selling a variety of wildlife products of species endangered in Cambodia. They obtained a search warrant and in the early morning on May 10th, the WRRT split into two teams and simultaneously surrounded two houses containing wildlife products. The [...]

A Trio of Rescued Sambar Deer are Prepared for a New Life in the Wild

Sambar deer at our Wildlife Release Station (WRS) have been tagged in preparation for release! The three deer will stay in their pre-release enclosure while we monitor them to ensure they are comfortable with the tags before opening the door for their release. The male was rescued as a fawn in the Phnom Tamao Forest after a village dog attacked him, [...]

All birds were exposed in the sun and chained by their legs in order to attract a crowd

The Wildlife Rapid Rescue Team (WRRT) received a phone call on the Wildlife Crime Hotline from some concerned locals about wild birds being kept in the sun, in front of a coffee shop in Phnom Penh (Coffee Time). The team raided Coffee Time shop, found and confiscated 5 birds kept illegally by the owner. All birds were exposed in the [...]

Wildlife Traffickers Arrested – Stockpile included clouded leopard skin, bear paw & ivory

After an intensive investigation, the Wildlife Rapid Rescue Team (WRRT) identified and located a prominent wildlife trafficker in Phnom Penh who […]

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