
MPA projects rewarded for work with Mountain Communities

The best new initiative prize was awarded to Wildlife Alliance, a community-based ecotourism initiative in the Cardamom Mountain Range, Cambodia. In 2007, Wildlife Alliance established the Chi Phat Community-Based Ecotourism (CBET) project to reduce poaching and other threats to the mountain ecosystem through sustainable alternative livelihoods. Its other objectives include providing alternative livelihoods to local people through technical assistance in developing an ecotourism site [...]

Angkor – sorting it out…

“…quite far from mother…” Our work to reintroduce wildlife back into the Angkor Temples Forest Complex continues with only a few small problems, despite the change in the senior government official we now have to partner with and his apparent limited interest in our work. Ap-ing, the pileated gibbon born to Bayon and Tevy, the second gibbon pair we [...]

Wildlife Rehabilitation Station – busy with birds…

“…much too fat.” The dry season came to a premature end this year and the rains have been torrential if a little intermittent. The sun bears we are preparing for release at our Wildlife Release Station in the Southern Cardamom forest 7km from the village of Chi Phat in Koh Kong province are well. Young male, Tela, seems to [...]

Phnom Tamao Wildlife Rescue Centre – trying times….

Phnom Tamao Wildlife Rescue Centre (PTWRC) was created in 1995 by the Forestry Administration (FA) to care for rescued wildlife in need of a home. It also serves as Cambodia’s national zoo. In many ways it is an inspired choice of location for such a venture. Set in 2,300 hectares of forest, rescued animals feel at home in such a setting [...]

Intervention, a waste of time?

“…dangerous work...” We work hard and we are proud of our achievements, usually feeling we do a pretty good job. Wildlife can be subjected to extreme cruelty, situations are often difficult and dangerous and no‐one shirks what they consider to be their duty. For example so far most would feel that what we have achieved with elephant, Chhouk, has [...]

Chhouk – the story continues…

Chhouk with forest patrol elephant It is ten years ago we rescued Chhouk from the Srepok  Wilderness Area in Mondulkiri, as an orphaned elephant calf.  One never knows where these things will lead and in the wake  of recent events and in remembrance of Chhouk’s 10 year  anniversary at PTWRC, it seems now might be an appropriate  time to [...]

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