Wildlife seized from restaurant in Pursat raid. WRRT Update
The National Military Police along with the Wildlife Alliance NGO raided a restaurant in Pursat town yesterday morning, seizing about 20 kilograms of dead and alive wildlife. A Wildlife Alliance official said a tip from his network of informants led to the raid. “We raided and checked the restaurant this morning and found about 20 kilograms of wildlife meat and some [...]
Wildlife seized in Prey Veng
Prey Veng province military police and the Wildlife Alliance on Friday night conducted a raid upon a truck transporting hundreds of kilograms of illegal wildlife destined for Vietnam. Khem Vuthyravong, a wildlife rapid rescue supervisor with Wildlife Alliance, said the NGO received a tip about the haul and asked military police to help carry out the raid in Kampong Trabek district. [...]
Facebook Groups used as marketplace for Wildlife Trade
WRRT raided a suspected trader's house in Phnom Penh where wildlife was illegally stored for sale on internet. Were rescued: 2 crested serpent eagles, 3 palm civets, 2 Asian mongooses and 1 hornbill. The work was successfully completed after a long surveillance on-site and investigation concerning a Facebook page which was advertising the sale of the wildlife. [...]
Southern Cardamom REDD+ Biodiversity Impact and Indicator Workshop
The Southern Cardamom REDD+ (Reduced Emissions from Forest Deforestation and Degradation) project is collaboration between the Ministry of Environment and Wildlife Alliance to obtain sustainable financing for the conservation management of Southern Cardamom National Park and Tatai Wildlife Sanctuary from the sale of verified carbon units. The project will be verified and validated under the Voluntary Carbon Standards (VCS) and Carbon [...]
Close Encounters with Long Tailed Macaque
The Goal, objectives, keys for success, vision, management strategies joining criteria and rules and regulation were developed by both Chi Phat Community Community together with the CBET Committees with consultation and support of different experts and stakeholders and are the guidelines for Community Based Eco-Tourism Development in Chi Phat and communes
Tiger close up – Camera trap @ Phnom Tamao Wildlife Rescue Center
SPONSOR AN ANIMAL VISIT PHNOM TAMAO CENTER [yottie id="19"] Our forest rangers work tirelessly to protect some of the world’s most endangered animals in one of Southeast Asia’s last great rainforests. What do you think? Leave us a comment! Please support our work! Share the [...]