
Celebrating Successes on World Elephant Day

Last weekend, on August 12th, 2017, we celebrated World Elephant Day! While this is a day to raise awareness of the devastating threats this iconic species is facing, we also celebrated our conservation successes. Although elephants once roamed across most of Asia, deforestation has reduced their range to just 15% of their former habitat. The remaining forest is highly fragmented, and [...]

New Eco-tourism Venture Keeps the Forest Standing

Wildlife Alliance has partnered with YAANA Ventures and Minor Group to secure an 18,000-hectare (44,500 acre) land concession within Botum Sakor National Park in the Cardamom Mountains. This area is especially important to preserve, as it is a vital migration path for elephants, but it is under threat of being destroyed from logging and slash and burn farming. By winning this concession, [...]

Wildlife Release Report: Smooth Transitions and Promising Futures

Wildlife Alliance proudly accepts all animals in need to Phnom Tamao Wildlife Rescue Center (PTWRC), no matter the size of the animal or the severity of its condition. Our primary goal is to release every animal we take in back to his or her natural habitat, although that is not always possible if his or her injuries are too severe or [...]

Wildlife Hotline Raising the Heat on Traders

The Wildlife Rapid Rescue Team (WRRT) was extremely successful in the second quarter of 2017, doubling the number of live animals rescued and released and doubling the amount of wildlife meat confiscated from the first quarter of the year. Since its development in 2001, the WRRT has intercepted up to 75% of illegal wildlife trade in Cambodia. These operations have amassed to [...]

August 17, 2017|Categories: Wildlife Police|Tags: , , |

Heads of NGOs meeting with H.E. Sao Sopheap

Heads of NGOs meeting with H.E. Sao Sopheap, Director of the Environment Minister’s Cabinet in preparation for the upcoming Forum on Natural Resources Protection and Conservation WWF-Cambodia, CI, WCS Cambodia, BirdLife International Cambodia Programme, FFI, The NGO Forum on Cambodia, Vishnu Law Group FAO, Forumsyd, Oxfam in Cambodia, UNDP Cambodia, RECOFTC-Cambodia, MJP, Winrock International, Save Cambodia's Wildlife, Live and Learn.

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