Minister of Environment H.E. Say Samal meet Suwanna Gauntlett WA CEO
"I was honored to meet the Minister of Environment H.E. Say Samal" on the 18th as part of our group of conservation NGOs bringing to the Minister our concerns about Wildlife Farming. H.E. Say Samal warmly welcomed us and openly discussed the issues that we brought to him. We collectively were pleased with the open discussion and productive suggestions from the [...]
International Tiger Day – July 29th
Join us in celebrating International Tiger Day, on July 29, 2017! This day was established to promote public awareness and support for tiger conservation. The tiger is the world’s largest cat and is currently listed as Endangered by the IUCN. Just 100 years ago, there were as many as 100,000 wild tigers in Asia, but today, there are less than 3,000. [...]
The Kouprey Express Goes Abroad
The Kouprey Express (KE) mobile education team has returned from their second ever international trip to Thailand! The KE team spent a week in Thailand, near the Thai-Cambodian border, working with four Thai National Park Rangers to provide environmental lessons to 257 primary and secondary school students. This cross-border collaboration is helping to preserve Thailand and Cambodia’s natural heritage in a [...]
A Collaborative Effort Saves 689 Animals from International Trade
In late May, the Wildlife Rapid Rescue Team (WRRT) was provided with intelligence regarding a large shipment of wildlife that was to be transported from Phnom Penh, Cambodia to Vietnam where it was to be sold. After a thorough investigation, the team learned that the transport was going to take place on June 3rd in Prey Veng province, so they headed [...]
A rescued Asian black bear gets a second chance
As there are few natural predators to the Asian black bear’s the question remains, what is causing this population decline? The answer, as is true too often, is humans. They are severely affected by the loss of their natural habitats to deforestation for agriculture land, or the further development of human settlements. They are also at constant risk of hunters and [...]
Elephants enjoying the cool weather and mud
As monsoon season hits and the rains begin to fall every day now, it is a joy to watch the elephants enjoying the cool weather and mud!!! SPONSOR AN ANIMAL VISIT PHNOM TAMAO CENTER [yottie id="19"] Our forest rangers work tirelessly to protect some of the world’s [...]