Lori and Amari, two macaques brought to Phnom Tamao in Septemeber 2018, are both doing well. The mother, Amari, has very limited vision but is otherwise happy and healthy. Her daughter, Lori, continues to grow and gain strength every day and does not let her injuries from infancy slow her down.
Since September, many macaques have been injured or removed from their wild troops from people trying to make money off of exploiting the monkeys on YouTube. This has become a major issue and while we recognize that many people across the world have grown to care deeply about these animals, the mistreatment of these monkeys will continue until people stop watching the videos.
Wildlife Alliance is the leader in direct protection to forests and wildlife in the Southeast Asian tropical belt.
Wildlife Alliance is the leader in direct protection to forests and wildlife in the Southeast Asian tropical belt.
Wildlife Alliance is the leader in direct protection to forests and wildlife in the Southeast Asian tropical belt.
Thanks to keep us informed about those 2. I love Amari and receiving news is always cool! Make me feel good that you take such good care of them.
Thank you for updating us on Lori and especially Amari. We, as viewers, have no control over the parks in Cambodia. We cannot stop the videotaping! If that would help…most viewers would accept that to keep the macaques safe. It’s really up you, Wildlife Alliance and the Cambodian govt working together to monitor the parks in Anghor Wat..to ensure not only safety to visitors and the temples…but to the macaques who are quite attractive to tourist. It might benefit for govt and wildlife alliance to work together in putting laws into affect to deter videotaping or injuring the macaques ( a lovely attraction to the temples) is prohibited ….by law.
Francine Robertson You need to listen because they are right if there is no one to watch , like and comment on the monkey videos . And no one to subscribe to the Vos channels then they don’t make money and they will stop filming and hurting these animals . Do you have any idea what the WLA team is up against every single day trying to save the forest and the animals that call it home . If you really knew about the war they fight for those forest and animals and really understood it you would be ashamed to say this is all up to them to stop and accept no accountability for your part in the problem or responsibility to do what they ask of you to fix the problem . Stop watching the videos and overwhelming every single source they have to be contacted on (phone , web site , email ect ect) . I’m sorry if I sound mean but they are asking for help and it is selfish to want them to take the amount of resources (time , money , man power ect ect) away from the overall problem just so a few can watch videos of monkeys . A non profit has to pick their battles and videos would not be a smart battle you surely can see that .
But only you can do that…as we are not there! We appreciate your updates and thank you for having compassion in keeping the macaques safe. Thank you so much❤️
We love Amari, Lola and Lori!
Hi, it might help if you only allow trusted photographers to record them. Only certain ones. And any others should be banned by the govt…not telling you what you should do…only a suggestion. Thank you for what your doing for the animals!
i absolutely agree—the Temple Authority and the Cambodian government needs to step up asap—they MUST take the lead in this WLA isnt equipped to handle monitoring in addition to their numerous responsibilities.
Although, you cannot save every macaque at Angkor Wat, seems like you’d attempt to save newborns orphaned at birth, left to die or be taken, neglected, exploited for video views only to later be taken back to the park and released with no chance of survival…just like this one. Watch this 1 video and tell me she’ll be fine. https://youtu.be/ki4q1HC1ZnE
WLA has her with videos and she’s so happy. Her owner was from HELL!
So the sad truth is that people won’t stop watching the videos, so it will continue to happen.
The government and animal protection organizations in Cambodia have to crack down on this exploitation and mistreatment.
People around the world won’t be able to solve this.
You should make the videographers, if you want to call them that, YouTubers get a license to film at the park. If they break the rules. They lose their license and can’t make any money.
Excellent, terrific, wonderful idea. That could actually work!
Thanks for all the updates on the ” GIRLS”…..love seeing the updates on the rest of the endangered animals….do u think u could get teespring to do some tshirts on your organization…so we can show off your place??? Just a thought….hang in there nick & sith….along with all the others who work so hard…..u r the best!!!!!!
The VO’s are at it again. They have 1 long tern baby in their captivity whose mother died within 24 hours of her birth and so while they did not take her from her mother she has been a boon to their YouTube earnings as she cries her way through their raising of her being mistreated, misfeed and taught to do human things instead of monkey things. Poor Santa is now at their mercy as they document their attempt without any rehab to introduce her to the troop she would have been part of and force her on a childless female but actually trying to put her on the female to cling too. Its obvious that no female is welcoming this and the baby is very scared and is served with rejection every time they try and place her on a female monkey. She is not weaned yet nor knows how to scavenge or forage and could not feed herself and most likely no monkey she is dumped on will get her food and f course they have no plans as to how they will continue supplying her with milk. The cost of milk maybe part of the issue and if they can somehow release this baby they can then chronicle what disaster happens which is bound to drive up Youtube viewership as now she si older and not as mush fun to watch er roll on their floor and cry for a mother she never knew. As the videos have become more boring as she has become used to the trauma they are not making as much money and saving money on not providing milk and diapers while hopefully getting more views out of this “release attempt” Santa is sadly in a bad spot. Then there is another baby called Daniela which the VO’s found was mothered by a fairly shy monkey who moves off when they hang around a bunch and tend to delegate a lot of care to “aunts” and juveniles The VO’s have found that by surrounding the baby when it wanders off to play the baby freaks out very easily especially if they keep getting closer and closer until she can’t figure out where to go to get a way and freaks out chitterling and scrabbling around and then screaming and alar which sets off the monkeys near by. Usually the one that is her designated carer at the time will do as they do anytime a baby is in server danger – grab what they can hold on to and ruin away as fast as possible dragging her away. They have accidently left footage in the video where you can see them surrounding her and frightening her, although they want you to think that its due to the monkeys around her. If there is enough distance they will get baby slung under their belly and go look for mom, if the VO’s are giving chase to get footage of the baby being dragged further and continuing to scream as the ones that frightened her are chasing her now the adult or juvenile resumes the run with baby bumping along behind. The end is finally where she is back with mom happily nursing and falls asleep where the other adults or the juveniles are sitting right there nicely socializing with as if nothing was wrong. They make sure this happens several times a day including with mother right there but when baby freaks out mother comes and picks it up and they step back as the last thing they want viewers to see mom do an emergency grab and drag and realize they may be being told a made up story for the drama of it. Since they freak the baby into an emergency alarm call so many times a day she is getting banged up and the one VO not chasing her – on purpose, but giving treats is now one she will allowed close and when she approaches him now as they others start closing in on here the story has switched to her wanting help from the human to get back to mom and they are claiming mom is not showing up. If they would leave the monkeys alone and let the baby calm down mom will be back in a bit and everything would be fine. The baby appears to be begging food but he claims the baby is begging his help to get her back to safety and mom but they are now claiming mom goes away for long and longer and so he new thing she wants is to be rescued. Unfortunately, we know what that means and if one of them ‘rescue’ the baby and takes it home its going to get a quick education in early traumatic events, Its believed that some of these are the ones involved in what killed a new baby and then its mother a few hours later and given the foam around the mothers jaw and the condition that the baby was in when it finally passed t was a pretty clear case of poisoning. I think they were using rodent poison to try and kill the mother and made the wrong choice as the kind they used did pass into the milk.. Although she was sick the baby out of the blue a few hours later after waking up from nursing was very ill and the baby started going down much faster every hour that passed. He clung to life for a few hours and then died. Mother was barely able to get around at this point but tried for a while carrying him and trying to get him awake until she died next to him within 2 hours. Had he survived and had a dead mother they would have had another Santa situation where the mother just “mysterious” died and they could not be said to taking a baby form mother except this baby was older and knew his mother and troop and would have grieved and suffered through their idea of how to treat a baby. This is when the project with scaring Daneia started to get the story around. We are pretty sure that withing the next few days they will have built in the excuse that they have to ‘rescue’ her. Its too bad that area cannot have a ranger assigned to it to deter people from harassing the monkeys and causing so much damage, and force the camera a distance away from nursing mothers.
I know you are concerned, but the WLA has their hands full caring for many different animal species & not just macaque monkeys, so next time you want to contact them, maybe….don’t write a book.
Very happy to see Amari & Lori. They were the beginning that gave viewers hope. Would love to see more updates of them. Viewers have purchased camera/video equipment for Sitheng so WLA can film the monkeys they care for just like the VOs. Not all VOs in Angkor Wat mistreat the monkeys. They care very much. Their viewers brought tourists to Cambodia and also gave a great deal in donations to WLA. There’s a better solution to resolve the negative issues. There’s a group of VOs who want want to work together as a team, do the right thing, provide the proper care for the monkeys, and educate the public and viewers but they cannot do it themselves. They need the support of APSARA, WLA, Forestry Administration, & the Cambodian Government.
Thank you for keeping us updated. I wonder about Alex. The monkey which has had his fair share of being kidnapped and dropped from trees. How is he?
Thank you for keeping us updated. I wonder about Alex. The monkey which has had his fair share of being kidnapped and dropped from trees. How is he?Thank you
Macaques? Being rescued? Wow. I bet the people who live in Shimla, if seeing this, are either laughing or wondering who drank the crazy water. Is there also a rehab facility there for sewer rats? Or opossum who have a limp?
Hi any news from Lori and Amari?
Santa was taken away from the troop, the videographers and the people who pretty much only pretended to care.
Look in this same section and you will find a update on Axel , I just seen it a few minutes ago .