Bringing together communities, local knowledge, experience, and tradition, the KE travels around Cambodia to both remote rural areas and urban centers to instill in the Cambodian youth and communities a sense of pride in their natural heritage and a culture of social responsibility.

Bringing together communities, local knowledge, experience, and tradition, the KE travels around Cambodia to both remote rural areas and urban centers to instill in the Cambodian youth and communities a sense of pride in their natural heritage and a culture of social responsibility.
This is achieved through a comprehensive, interactive environmental curriculum program focusing on youth, teachers, and communities as a whole:

This is achieved through a comprehensive, interactive environmental curriculum program focusing on youth, teachers, and communities as a whole:

Our wildlife education program at schools promotes a conservation ethic, facilitates continued environmental education and empowers students to become environmental stewards in their communities. Students learn about the environmental threats facing their communities, and more importantly, what they can do to protect Cambodia’s forests and wildlife.
The Kouprey Express travels to remote rural schools and gives teachers the tools and materials they need to bring conservation education into their classrooms and deeply engage their students. Teacher training is not only for teachers. It is for anyone of any age at any workplace who is interested to help educate their peers and families on how to protect their natural heritage.

Community Night Shows are an excellent way to provide family-friendly, effective edu-entertainment to whole villages. The Kouprey Express also conducts Door-2-Door outreach, which was born out necessity during social distancing requirements during COVID, visiting with multiple generations under one roof.
To reinforce classroom lessons and activities, we take students to visit the Wildlife Rescue Center at Phnom Tamao, for a look at the animals they have been learning about and meet victims rescued from the wildlife trade.

Our wildlife education program at schools promotes a conservation ethic, facilitates continued environmental education and empowers students to become environmental stewards in their communities.

The Kouprey Express actively supports grassroots efforts of youth and local organizations who are passionate about the environment and happily joins their events to help educate urban populations about their natural heritage.
The Kouprey Express travels to remote rural schools and gives teachers the tools and materials they need to bring conservation education into their classrooms and deeply engage their students.

Community Night Shows are an excellent way to provide family-friendly, effective edu-entertainment to whole villages.

To reinforce classroom lessons and activities, we take students to visit the Wildlife Rescue Center at Phnom Tamao, for a look at the animals they have been learning about and meet victims rescued from the wildlife trade.
The Kouprey Express actively supports grassroots efforts of youth and local organizations who are passionate about the environment and happily joins their events to help educate urban populations about their natural heritage.
EVENTS – Wild for Life concert
On January 31, 2015, the U.S. Ambassador’s Youth Council (AYC) and Wildlife Alliance held a special concert to raise awareness about wildlife trafficking in Cambodia.
EVENTS – Watch this televised PSA
This Public Service Announcement was produced by Wildlife Alliance as part of the ARREST Program sponsored by the USAID and in partnership with Freeland Foundation in Bangkok