Park Rangers have been safeguarding the lands, nature, and wildlife since medieval times. Their lives are filled with hard work, dangers, and risks. 

With the support of rangers in Cambodia, Wildlife Alliance provides direct protection to 1.3 million hectares of the Cardamom Rainforest Landscape, Southeast Asia’s last unfragmented rainforests. 

Committed Park rangers undertake year-round surveillance of the Cardamom Rainforest, patrolling by ground, water, and air. They tirelessly pursue illegal loggers and poachers, removing deadly snares and often staying on patrol for days. They also monitor wildlife, prevent poaching, engage local communities in conservation efforts, help resolve human-wildlife conflicts, and support tourism. 

In celebration of the 17th World Ranger Day on July 31, Wildlife Alliance paid tribute to the hard work of the Cardamom Forest Protection Program (CFPP) Rangers in protecting Cambodia’s valuable natural resources, including wildlife and forests. The celebration featured the sharing of patrol experiences, tree planting, and singing. 

These rangers take great pride in protecting the rainforest and serving as “Guardians of the forest and wild animals.”