Living in a city offers us easy access to education and various knowledge resources. However, have you ever considered the education challenges faced by children in rural areas? Even obtaining a basic education in primary and secondary school can be a difficult journey for them.
Phong Makara, a 24-year-old from Chi Meal Village, faced numerous challenges to attend school. Despite these struggles, he remained determined to learn and successfully completed high school. However, he was uncertain about how to fulfill his dream of going to university. Then, to his amazement, he received a scholarship through the Southern Cardamom REDD+ Project.
“My name is Phong Makara from Chi Meal village in Andong Teuk commune, Botum Sakor district, Koh Kong province. I am a third-year Natural Resource Management and Development student at the Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP) and the youngest of three siblings,” says Makara.
“During my primary school years, studying was a challenge due to my family’s financial situation. My mother, a resilient widow, worked tirelessly to support both my education and our family’s needs. As I transitioned to high school, our financial circumstances grew even more difficult, with overwhelming expenses for our studies. Despite often feeling helpless, I found strength in contributing at home by cutting wood, collecting green leaves, and gathering grass for animal feed. Walking 2 kilometers each day to school from grade 1 to grade 12 was a daily test, especially without a bicycle or motorbike like many peers. My mother’s determination inspired me as she labored to ensure my siblings and I could pursue higher education, a dream she had been deprived of in her youth. Luckily, she gained knowledge in sanitation and literature, allowing her to learn to read. My mother, Sum Savorn, sells snacks like cakes and sweets, embodying hard work and perseverance. My father, Num Phorn, has passed away, but his memory fuels my ambition to overcome adversity,” ponders Makara.
Makara discovered a glimmer of hope when Wildlife Alliance, through the Southern Cardamom REDD+ Project, announced scholarship opportunities in his village. Fueled by determination, he poured his heart into the application process.
“I first learned about this scholarship from our village and commune chief. Encouraged by my family and the village chief, I decided to apply, and when I received the scholarship, I was overwhelmed with joy. Upon my arrival in Phnom Penh, I quickly realized that studying and living in the city were a world apart from the rural village I had known. Surrounded by unfamiliar faces, I also faced a fierce competition for job opportunities.

”My mother holds the scholarship in high regard”
My mother holds the scholarship in high regard, as it generously covers my university tuition for four years here in Phnom Penh. After I graduate, I aspire to become an environmental officer and am eager to return to my community. I look forward to sharing invaluable knowledge about the significance of protecting our forests and wildlife. Additionally, I hope to support my mother while inspiring my friends and the younger generation in my village to work diligently in their studies and cultivate a deep appreciation for nature,” says Makara with a smile.
Makara is filled with deep gratitude for Wildlife Alliance, especially Dr. Suwanna Gauntlett, the CEO and Founder, and the Ministry of Environment for initiating the Southern Cardamom REDD+ Project scholarship program. This remarkable initiative supports underprivileged students who aspire to pursue a university education in Phnom Penh for four years, providing essential resources such as accommodation, a monthly allowance, tuition fees, supplies, clothing, health insurance, and medicines. Makara wishes for the Southern Cardamom REDD+ Project and Wildlife Alliance to continue thriving, empowering more underprivileged students to seize the opportunity to follow their dreams and pursue their studies in Phnom Penh, just as he has.