Thanks to The Southern Cardamom REDD+ Project, young students in rural communities have the opportunity to pursue higher education through scholarships.

Hem Sunheng and Chom Tong, both from the rural village of Chi Phat, Thmar Bang District, Koh Kong Province, and Meng Minea from Sovanna Baitong village, Kandaol Commune, Botum Sakor District, Koh Kong Province, have been chosen for internships at the U.S. Embassy in Cambodia.

Minea is majoring in Tourism and Hospitality, Sunheng in Geography, and Tong in International Business Management.

Minea said, “I am thrilled to get this internship. It would be a valuable experience and a stepping stone towards my future goals. This internship will give me practical experience, exposure to the industry, and a chance to apply what I have learned. It will help me shape my future career path and make informed decisions about my professional goals.”

Sunheng shared his excitement, “I am thrilled to have passed the internship interview for the position of ‘Motor Pool Admin Intern.’ Such opportunities are crucial for undergraduates to enhance their skills and build a career. This encourages students like us to work hard and plan a better future.”

Tong also expressed his satisfaction, “I was hopeful but realistic about my chances. Receiving the offer was a pleasant surprise and a validation of my efforts. This internship will provide me with hands-on experience in human resources, a field I am deeply passionate about, and will lay a strong foundation for my career. Furthermore, it will allow me to network with professionals and gain invaluable practical insights.”

Wildlife Alliance is immensely proud of their achievements.